The Philippine National Red Cross Butuan-Agusan del Norte Chapter conducted blood letting program once in every three months at Father Saturnino Urios University.
For the month of October 2009, more than 50 students donated their blood. According to PNRC Representative Soljin Robles blood donations save lives and students of today's generation generally are aware of the benefits it can do to them and the purpose of voluntarily donating blood.
Aside from educating the students the importance of donating a blood, it was also explained that the volume of fluids will adjust within a few hours after donation and the red blood cells will be replaced within a few weeks, to assure donors that the procedure is safe, is done by skilled, specially trained technicians and or nurses.
The PNRC Staff set up 3-make shift beds at FSUU lobby and there are also tests performed at the donation site.
Mr. Robles said, the PNRC is willing to coordinate with any other organizations or offices for the blood letting program to ensure adequate supply of blood at Red Cross blood bank to serve people that needs blood especially patients who in the marginal sector.
In Butuan City, residents in every barangay are encouraged to have a blood typing to be able to fasttrack would be donors in case somebody needs a blood transfuson especially during emergencies.
Members of the Family were likewise taught of the importance of knowing the blood group for all practical and routine purposes, it is ideal to transfuse to the patient the same group of blood which he belongs to.
The PNRC explained, that it is only under very dire emergency that they take O group as universal donor and AB groups as universal recipient. Under no circumstances O group can get any other blood except O. Similarly A group patient cannot be given B group blood and vice versa.
There are three types of blood donors:
(1) PROFESSIONAL DONORS - They sell their blood, which is of very poor quality and can transmit very dangerous diseases to the recipient. It is illegal to take blood from any professional donor.
(2) REPLACEMENT DONATION - Healthy relatives and friends of the patient give their blood, of any group, to the PNRC. In exchange, the required number of units in the required blood group is given.
(3) VOLUNTARY DONATION- Here a donor donates blood voluntarily. The blood can be used for any patient even without divulging the identity of the donor. This is the best type of blood donation where a motivated human being gives blood in an act of selfless service.
Any person within the age group of 18 - 60 years with a body weight as minimum 45 kgs, and having hemoglobin content as minimum 12.5 gm%.
"The donor does not suffer from any harmful effects after donating blood rather a donor after having given blood voluntarily gets a feeling of great pleasure, peace and bliss. Soon, within a period of 24 - 48 hours, the same amount of new blood gets formed in the body, which helps the donor in many ways. His own body resistance improves, the circulation improves, and he himself feels healthier than before," said Mr. Soljin Robles of the Philippine National Red Cross-Butuan/Agusan del Norte Chapter.
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